Thầy :
Dear all;
long kiem tra. Neu anh chi va cac ban co thac mac thi lien he truc tiep
voi toi truoc 20h ngay 27/08 - sau thoi diem nay Toi se khong giai
quyet bat ky truong hop nao
Cach thuc tinh diem qua trinh sau
= Diem giua ky x 50%
+ (( Tong diem 4 bai dau tien + diem bai Laptop x2 + diem bai 25/08 x 2 )/8+Diem cong cho thanh vien tich cuc- toi da la 2 diem
=> Lam tron bang lenh Round, khong so thap phan
Thanks & Best regards
Stephen Nguyen (MBA)
Cell phone: + 84-90.820.1630
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